Developing Archangel Michael’s Protection
Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives valuable information for warriors of the spirit on how to work with Archangel Michael to protect yourself and your loved ones […]
Elizabeth Clare Prophet gives valuable information for warriors of the spirit on how to work with Archangel Michael to protect yourself and your loved ones from malevolent spirits. Starting with laying a foundation of putting on “the whole armour of God,” as Saint Paul called it, of spiritual decrees (“the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”) to carefully using a physical sword. Enjoy learning how to use powerful prayers, decrees and fiats of protection and Archangel Michael’s sword for dealing with the discarnate entities.
“We started out with a tube of light. We reinforced it with the blue flame. We called for the violet flame in the center. In other words, we did what the Bible says, ‘put on the whole armour of God.’ Our armour is the shaft of light we invoke, the decrees we invoke and, finally, this action of the sword of Archangel Michael.”
Archangel Michael is your guardian angel.Use these protection prayers and call to Archangel Michael! With Archangel Michael’s help, you can be rid of the invisible negative forces in your world.
(To download the booklet of prayers used in the lecture, go to: http://TSL.org/AngelBooklet)