Reincarnation - The Missing Link In Christianity

Reincarnation: The Missing Link In Christianity

A long time ago the Christians, who lived closer to the time of Jesus, believed in reincarnation. Reincarnation: The Missing Link In Christianity, a groundbreaking […]


A long time ago the Christians, who lived closer to the time of Jesus, believed in reincarnation. Reincarnation: The Missing Link In Christianity, a groundbreaking work by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, makes the case that Jesus taught reincarnation!

Elizabeth Clare Prophet traces the history of reincarnation in Christianity – from Jesus and the early Christians through Church councils and the persecution of so-called heretics.

Using the latest scholarship and evidence from the Dead Sea scrolls and Gnostic texts, she also argues persuasively that Jesus was a mystic who also taught that our destiny is to unite with the God within.

Your view of Jesus and of Christianity will never be the same. Buyer Reviews:

This is an excellent book…
This book in an interesting study of the role that reincarnation may have played in the teachings of early Christianity. I felt that the early chapters of the book were informative, and discussed facts and strong probabilities based on available documents and evidence. Towards the end, the author seemed to veer into sharing a lot of her own beliefs and the philosophies she teaches. It has long been speculated about the original Church’s view of reincarnation. Some feel that specific verses suggest Jesus believed in reincarnation and taught about it. It is a very interesting topic to consider and study. I think anyone interested in this subject matter will enjoy this book.
Michael Travis Jasper, Author of the Novel “To Be Chosen”

It helped me move forward on my spiritual path and accept other people’s beliefs without judgment
When I read this book in 2001, it was my first exposure to the concept of reincarnation. At the time, I was steeped in a Christian belief system that did not allow for open-minded thinking of such things as explained in this book. But, I was searching because I had sadly began to realize that I had been disillusioned by the fear-based dogma of the churches I had been attending.

This book opened my eyes and introduced me to new ways of thinking and I have continued to search for truth wherever it exists for me ever since. I appreciate this book because it helped me move forward on my spiritual path and accept other people’s beliefs without judgment.
Yvonne Perry Verified Buyer Review:

One of the Best Spiritual Books I Have Ever Read!
This book is definitely one of the best books on reincarnation, or on any other spiritual subject, that I have ever read. It’s accessible and easy to read, and has a wealth of information and data for both the lay person and the specialist. The authors follow up all the implications and ramifications that acceptance of the doctrine of reincarnation would have on Christianity, and really flesh things out to paint a vivid picture of how Christianity would be totally different if reincarnation were part of the picture. And in the process, they cover implications and ramifications that the average Christian who believes in reincarnation hasn’t even thought of, but needs to be aware of, or appreciate more deeply. This book also opens the door to many interesting avenues of study for those interested in esoteric Christianity and Christian origins. For example, it seems as if I have found a kindred spirit in Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jew who made a synthesis of Judaism and Greek philosophy – I suppose I’ll have to get a copy of his works. The only possible drawback that this book may have for the average reader, in my opinion, is the pushing of their own brand of Ascension theology towards the end, but that’s only a minor flaw that is easily forgiven. – David K. Osborn

Good read.
I bought this copy for a friend. I’ve read mine twice. I find many of the parallels between now and then in terms of dogma fascinating, whether it’s religious, political, or social. Good read.

Seek and you shall find.
Life-changing…mind-expanding. This book is easy to read, provides clear illustrations, historical and biblical support. It brings out more meaning to Jesus’ words and adds universal and true timeless significance to who and what Christians believe Jesus is.

This book serves to not only talk about reincarnation but also gives insight on how Christianity should not be a rehashing of the early, third-century, church’s select canonical elite’s thoughts on Christ and God but rather how an individual’s relationship between self and Christ/God is very important and should not be subjugated to the worldly authority of religious political powers.

Maybe many of you who are curious about this book are like me when I did not know very much about reincarnation but yet did not reject it totally. The concept began by seeping into my belief system and finally, and fatefully, I came upon a friend’s book, scholarly and hard-to-read, on Gnostic Christianity which briefly mentioned that reincarnation was part of early Christians’ belief system. I was so intrigued that I sought to ask more questions and then found the title of this very book at It’s been two years since I bought this book, and I must say that this book IS IMPORTANT to all Christians who are willing to ask questions and find answers that are not available within mainstream Christianity. After this book, I educated myself further on reincarnation and the beginnings of the Bible and in the process further dissolved my prejudices, arrogance and ignorance. So watch out! This book can very well set you on a profound path of further seeking the meaning of Christ, gaining spiritual enlightenment and renewing your enthusiasm to seek and fulfill your life’s purpose in a new light.

Some Really Good Points on a Highly Crucial Topic
I’ve just finished reading Elizabeth Prophet’s book on reincarnation, which proposes that this is a teaching that’s compatible with Christianity. As for myself, given the fact that I find reincarnation the only reasonable explanation for the horrific human hardships and the awesomely great variances in people’s opportunities and circumstances, I approached Prophet’s book from a positive and supportive stance. Nevertheless, I do regard her efforts to support reincarnation as a faith taught by Jesus of Nazareth and many of his disciples to be a bit disingenuous, or at the least not highly supported by the evidence. Yet, I believe that the author had strong evidence in favor of her contention that the Christian scholar and mystic, Origen, did believe in some form of preexistence of the human soul, or a form of reincarnation. Also, it seems to me that her claims that the Gnostics taught some form of reincarnation has strong credibility. Therefore, I refuse to reject her efforts to find evidence for reincarnation within segments of Christianity, even if mainstream Christianity has powerfully opposed it almost from the establishment of the “Christian” Church.

In spite of some weaknesses in the arguments for a Christian form of reincarnation, I found this book to be highly worthwhile for me to read — helping to reinforce my belief that the human “soul” is a sort of entity that has been condemned to this life of hardships, struggles, and sufferings (sometimes referred to as the vale of tears) in order to induce the person to work diligently to transform the soul’s character for the better — from previous lifetimes of rebellion against the power and love of God. This life, then, can be an opportunity to be redeemed — having the bad “karma” washed away through diligent efforts at devotion to God and arrive at a perfect harmony with Ultimate Reality (God). Prophet’s book helped me to be even more convinced that reincarnation is the only truly viable explanation for the perfect love, holiness, power, and justice of God — given the horrific tragedies that many human beings are condemned to suffer.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking to make sense of the human dilemmas in conjunction with faith in the power and goodness of God. – Joseph A. Schrock