Morya and You: Love
Get to know the ascended master El Morya by reading about his previous lives. Plus study his words of tender care for your soul conveyed […]
Get to know the ascended master El Morya by reading about his previous lives. Plus study his words of tender care for your soul conveyed in 26 dictations on divine love.
You know those times when you look a stranger in the eye and have a flash of recognition – that you know this person, even though never in this lifetime? You may feel an instant soul connection looking into the eyes of the fierce being whose portrait graces the cover of this book. Who is he?
Morya and You – Over Lifetimes
El Morya is the ascended master who had many memorable earthly lifetimes on the road to his ascension. Many lifetimes he was in a position of government. Other times he served as a spiritual guide where millions of souls knew him intimately. You know his lifetimes as Abraham, Sir Thomas More and Akbar the Great. Besides these lives, he had many more as a public example of fatherly guidance and love. As a result, you may have known him as father, brother, teacher, national leader or friend.
That flash of recognition may well be because you were one of those millions who knew him in one or more of these lives. However, you know how you walk into a room and realize you’ve forgotten what you went there for? Well one of the “problems” with reincarnation is that you forget all about him when you go through the birth doorway.
Master Morya doesn’t have the memory problem and he is gathering his students and friends of old. And his eye is on you. His heart is longing for you. He has important teachings on love and who you really are to convey to you. You have an ascended master – a friend in heaven – ready to take you by the hand and lead you to the next step on your spiritual path.
Get to know him! Drink in his tender care for your soul. Let Morya speak to your heart in the 26 messages in this book. Once you read this book, you may well feel you knew him in the past…and are glad he remembers you!
Reconnect with a dear friend whom you’ve known for a very long time!