
Finding a Higher Love

A Spiritual Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships We’re all looking for that special someone. But our expectations for love and relationships are often based […]


A Spiritual Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships

We’re all looking for that special someone. But our expectations for love and relationships are often based on notions of romantic love we’ve seen in movies and the media. We start to believe that if our relationship or marriage is not blissfully out of this world and doesn’t perfectly fulfill all of our needs, there must be something terribly wrong.

In Finding a Higher Love, world-renowned author Elizabeth Clare Prophet shares a much-needed spiritual perspective on love, sexuality, and relationships. Every relationship has its challenges—whether we find ourselves with our soul mate, twin flame, or what she calls a karmic partner. And yet, she explains, our intimate relationships and search for true love are, in reality, a quest for wholeness that offers us a unique opportunity for deep spiritual growth and inner transformation.

With warmth and compassion, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explores the real purpose and power of relationships. Her profound insights as well as her practical tools and techniques will show you how to open your heart. Spiritualize your partnerships and magnetize that highest love. It is all yours to have. Buyer Reviews:

This is an excellent book…
This is an excellent book, most likely destined to become a classic in this 21st century re: relationships/spirituality. While the stories, Q and A’s and some topics (like affairs) address the concerns from a cross section of adults (20’s–middle age on), I would also recommend this book to anyone 15 yrs old and up, because of the quality of the writing, the sensitivity and profound insights of Mrs. Prophet and the practicality of her approach to love, sex and marriage. She doesn’t push spirituality at the reader, but simply states the spiritual facts as she knows them, explains how they apply to relationships and includes many beautiful images. Mrs. Prophet explains twin flames, soul mates and karmic partners better than anyone else I’ve ever read, and gives good, practical advise re: how/when to end a relationship. (She also gives spiritual tips on how to find your soul mate/twin flame). Topics include: dating; birth control; living together (vs married); partners with different spiritual beliefs; balancing karma in relationships; what to look for in a partner and much more. Also included are spiritual exercises and meditations for individuals and couples. Her “biggest piece of advice” re: a long lasting marriage: Don’t nag. (!) All in all a most practical book. I hope it is soon available as an Ebook and in Spanish. Highly recommended. If I could have, I’d have given it 6 stars. Nothing out there like it.

FINALLY a book that gives the reader practical/truthful information…
FINALLY a book that gives the reader practical/truthful information about relationships, which helps all of us make better informed choices for our lives. What a different world we’d have if every parent sat down and read this book with their teens. The book is not a list of endless rules, it is a treasure chest of reasons to choose wisely. Well done! Verified Buyer Review:

An Authentic Love and sexual education
I was searching for this kind of information for a long time and this book was the answer to all my questions. I had previous references about topics like, karmic marriages, soulmates, twin flames, but I was curious about sexual energy not from the perspective of magazines as cosmopolitan or a sexologist opinion. I wanted to understand it as a sacred energy and Mrs. Prophet gave me the tools I was looking for in a very natural way.

Everybody thinks that having sexual education is to be in a biology class where you are taught about reproductive health, but it is very difficult that someone can explain not only emotional aspects but energy flows as a result of your romantic life and how you manage your sexual energy.