Legends and History of the Holy Grail
Did the Holy Grail—the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper—end up in England at Glastonbury? Trace the links between Jesus, the Holy Grail, and your own path!
Did the Holy Grail—the cup Jesus used at the Last Supper—end up in England at Glastonbury? Elizabeth Clare Prophet tracks down the historical evidence and legends to give you a deeper understanding of the Grail-chalice mystery.
Part of the Arthurian legend deals with the quest for a vessel of great sanctity, the Holy Grail. Camelot, as a mystery school at the time of King Arthur, trained mystics like you for your quest for this vessel of Christ. In other words, your quest to integrate with and become your own true being.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet says, “Your assignment is the Holy Grail. And we know by the law of love that God never gives us an assignment without giving to us also those necessary resources: making available to us the education, the energy, the spirit, the friends, and the means to perfect the assignment and to realize it on earth. My prayer…is that you might perfect your quest for the Holy Grail in this life, that you might understand and become the Grail, and ascend to God, your home.”
In this edition of The Prophet Archives, trace the mystical paths of the Western and Eastern mystery schools—and the links between Jesus and the ancient focus of light, Glastonbury.